The course for the summer semester 2025 starts on 17 March 2025.
Your personal accounts for the E4 or E5 infrastructure will be created on the first day of the course, which is split between the students of E4 and E5. Therefore, the E4 students will meet in room CP-03-144, and the E5 students will meet in room CP-03-123. We want to start at 9 o'clock, so please be on time.
The rest of the days, the students of both groups will join in the tutorials together.
Two blocks are planned each day: one from 9-11.30 and the second from 13-15. In between we want to have lunch together. Please note: this is not a mandatory event, but we are happy for everyone who joins us. On Thursday evening, we want to have BBQ together with the other members from both working groups.
The courses will be led by different members of the working groups and are designed so that there is a short introductory presentation, after which you will work on the associated exercises independently.
Supervisors will be on site at all times to answer any questions you may have. The material of the different topics will be uploaded here.
Please bring your own laptops to the sessions to work on them in the hands-on parts. If you don't have one available, please get in touch with Andria (E4) or Tobias and Katharina (E5).
If you can't join the programming course in person, there will be a possibility to follow the course via zoom:
Meeting-ID: 961 5154 6080
Passcode: 261005