29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Leveraging Machine Learning for Next-Generation Radio Pulsar Searches

30 Nov 2023, 14:40
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Strasse 25, Floor 3, Room 302 - Lamarr Co-Working Space (Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University)

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Strasse 25, Floor 3, Room 302 - Lamarr Co-Working Space

Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University

Show room on map
Pitch talk ML Methods and Application Examples (in Physics) Pitch Talks


Dr Vishnu Balakrishnan (MPIfR)


The discovery of new radio pulsars has significant implications for both Gravitational and Condensed Matter Physics. With the emergence of large datasets on the order of petabytes requiring quasi-real-time analysis, computational methods, particularly machine learning, have been increasingly important. This pitch will give a short ovreview of the progress made in applying machine learning techniques to radio pulsar searches over the last decade.

Primary author

Dr Vishnu Balakrishnan (MPIfR)

Presentation materials