Pitch Talks: ML Methods and Application Examples (in Physics)
- Jens Buss (E5b, Lamarr)
Pitch Talks: Inverse Problems
- Jens Buss (E5b, Lamarr)
Pitch Talks: Problems and data sources
- There are no conveners in this block
Continuous developments in systems for recording radio astronomical signals lead to a natural increase in the volume of data acquired. This increase, in turn, exacerbates the challenges associated with the storage and processing of this information. A potential solution to this challenge is the development of systems underpinned by deep machine learning. These systems, at the stage of signal...
Determination of galaxy cluster masses from astronomical data is one of the primary prerequisites for their cosmological analysis and various deep learning methods have been tested with simulated data sets. Although the attention of the community is moving towards more advanced architectures like GANs and vision transformers, improvements can still be made with the traditional convolutional...
To support visual analytics of large radio/volume data, we accelerated a source finding/filtering algorithm by employing GPUs. Also, we implemented a GPU based volume renderer that achieves real-time performance and can be used in interactive environments, like an Augmented Reality setup. When visually analysing unfiltered data the frame rates of the renderer drop significantly and data is...
Our work entails using generative models as priors for Fourier phase retrieval. We were successful in the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022 by employing a large synthetic dataset with end-to-end convolutional networks for limited-angle computer tomography. Additionally, our latest project focuses on extracting (ideally weak) earthquake signals from real, noisy Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data.
The Epoch of Reionization Spectrometer (EoR-Spec) instrument on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST) will undertake a Line Intensity Mapping (LIM) survey targeting the [CII] line across redshifts 3.5 − 8.0. The observed frequency range for EoR-Spec, 210 to 420 GHz, is substantially influenced by atmospheric emissions that affect LIM power spectrum measurements. One of the challenges...
The discovery of new radio pulsars has significant implications for both Gravitational and Condensed Matter Physics. With the emergence of large datasets on the order of petabytes requiring quasi-real-time analysis, computational methods, particularly machine learning, have been increasingly important. This pitch will give a short ovreview of the progress made in applying machine learning...
The CCAT observatory on Cerro Chajnantor, Chile, will be operated entirely remote - with no crew at site during observations. Hence, we require reliable Predictive Maintenance (Outlier-/Anomaly-Detection) methods on its critical infrastructure to guarantee continuous operations. Moreover, Time Series data is collected from various radiometers at Atacama representing the atmospheric...