29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Introduction: Human-Centred Systems

29 Nov 2023, 14:45
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Strasse 25, Floor 3, Room 302 - Lamarr Co-Working Space (Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University)

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Strasse 25, Floor 3, Room 302 - Lamarr Co-Working Space

Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University

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Overview Talk Machine Learning and Computer Science Overview Talks


Prof. Natalia Andrienko (Lamarr Institute, Fraunhofer IAIS)


Human-centered Systems are designed to interact with humans and deliver explainable and comprehensible results.

At the Lamarr Institute, we are developing human-centered approaches for bridging the gap between ML methods and human minds. On the one hand, human-centered systems adapt to human goals, concepts, values, and ways of thinking. On the other hand, these systems take advantage of the power of human perception and intelligence. Visual Analytics play a key role in combining human and machine intelligence. Thus, ML models are developed with involvement of human knowledge and then use this knowledge in generating explanations.

Presentation materials