Meeting ID: 935 1725 0340
Passcode: ctd2022
As being the synergy of coordinated ground- and space-based observations, multimessenger astronomy is a very useful tool for studying the most energetic phenomena of the universe. Blazars, radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) that direct their relativistic particle jets to Earth, are ideal particle accelerators in all respects. Radio interferometry (notably the technique of very long baseline interferometry, VLBI) provides unprecedentedly fine angular resolution images of AGN jets. This makes possible to monitor the jet structure typically on parsec scales. In my talk I will introduce the VLBI of radio-loud AGN, and I will explore the exciting question of how multi-epoch VLBI observations of AGN jets could help us to identify cosmic particle accelerators, complementing neutrino, cosmic-ray and other electromagnetic observations (mainly in gamma-rays).