29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Introduction to Trustworthy-AI

29 Nov 2023, 13:50
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Strasse 25, Floor 3, Room 302 - Lamarr Co-Working Space (Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University)

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Strasse 25, Floor 3, Room 302 - Lamarr Co-Working Space

Lamarr Institut, TU Dortmund University

Show room on map
Overview Talk Machine Learning and Computer Science Overview Talks


Dr Maram Akila (Lamarr Institut, Fraunhofer IAIS)


This presentation will give a brief overview on the various dimensions comprising Trustworthy AI in general, namely Fairness, Privacy, Autonomy, Transparency and Reliability. A specific focus is given to the last two as they are typically more concerned with the inner workings of the AI system as such. When considering AI as tool for academic, that is scientific, use understanding limitations of the systems as well as its underlying reasoning can aid the process of discovery.

Presentation materials