Owing to the injection of gas in the LHC beam-pipe and to the forward acceptance of its spectrometer, the LHCb experiment at CERN has been collecting proton- and lead-gas data since 2015, acting as the highest-energy fixed-target experiment ever. In preparation to the LHC Run3 period of data-taking, the gas injection system, called SMOG and initially designed to decrease the uncertainty on the LHC luminosity measurement, is being upgraded to SMOG2, a gas storage cell allowing more gas species, including non-noble ones, to be injected with gas density up to two orders of magnitude larger with respect to Run2. In this seminar, the fixed-target physics programme at LHCb is discussed, with particular relevance on the measurements that are relevant for cosmic rays physics, on an innovative machine-learning-based technique to perform particle identification of fixed-target data, and on the first SMOG2 performance results with 2022 LHC data.
Hans Dembinski